Objectives Theme 3
Coordinator: Jean-François Ghiglione
This theme addresses the ecological consequences of marine pollution at the microbial community level, the 'services rendered by microorganisms' as innovative and eco-friendly technologies for the depollution using microorganisms (microbial ecotechnology) as well as the valorisation of microorganisms (e.g., production of compounds with high added value by microalgae). The approaches used are extremely broad from the study of the impact of pollution on natural environments to the development of whole cell biosensors for the detection of pollutants, via metabolic engineering techniques for the directed production of compounds.
We have addressed this issue through the following specific research questions:
- Depollution by marine microbial communities (bioremediation).
- The adaptive mechanisms and resilience of communities and microbial functions subjected to anthropogenic pollutants.
- The use of model microorganisms for the development of bioindicators of the ecological quality of the marine environment.
- The valorization of microalgae by metabolic bioengineering in order to produce compounds of high added value for biotechs.
Contact: Jean-François Ghlglione
Email: ghiglione@obs-banyuls.fr
Phone: 33 (0)4 68 88 73 16
Our last publications
- Ghiglione JF, Martin-Laurent F, Pesce S (2016) Microbial ecotoxicology: an emerging discipline facing contemporary environmental threats. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23: 3981-3983
- Reoyo-Prats B., Aubert D., Menniti C., Wolfgang L., Sola J., Pujo-Pay M., Conan P., Verneau O., Palacios...
Key words
Marine pollutions, microplastics, microbial ecotoxicology, microbioam biosensors, microalgaea valorisation, environmental biotechnology