Objectives Theme 1
Coordinator: François-Yves Bouget
Physical and-chemical parameters, such as light intensity, day length, temperature and nutrients (e.g. nitrate, phosphate, vitamins, iron) have a major impact on the physiology of microbial communities including eukaryotic phytoplankton, cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria. The main questions addressed are:
- How do heterotrophic bacteria and phytoplankton acclimate and adapt to limiting iron concentrations such as those encountered in large regions of the world ocean?
- How do light day length and temperature affect the growth, proliferation and seasonality of phytoplankton?
- How do UV and PAR sunlight impact bacterioplankton survival and carbon and nitrogen cycles?
- How do environmental factors regulate the production of dissolved organic matter by bacteria and phytoplankton?
We use gene to ecosystems approaches such as genetic transformations of phytoplankton and bacterial model organisms, microcosms under well defined laboratory conditions, field studies of microbial communities and oceanographic cruises.
Keywords: Ecophysiology, environmental forcings, iron phosphate, nitrogen, light, photopriod
Contact: François-Yves Bouget
E-mail: francois-yves.bouget @ obs-banyuls.fr
Phone: 33 (0)4 68 88 73 50
Our latest publications
Brodie J., Ball S.G., Bouget F-Y., Chan C.X., De Clerck O., Cock M., Gachon C., Grossman A.R., Mock T., Raven J., Saha M., Smith A., Vardi A., Yoon H.S., Bhattacharya D. (2017) Biotic interactions as drivers of algal origin and evolution. Nature Microbiology New Phytologist DOI: 10.1111/nph.14760
Key words
Ecophysiology, microbial models, genetic, environmental forcings, iron, phosphate, nitrogen, light, photoperiod