Publications 2009
2009 |
Auguet JC, Montagnie H, Hartmann HJ, Lebaron P, Casamayor EO, Catala P, Delmas D Potential Effect of Freshwater Virus on the Structure and Activity of Bacterial Communities in the Marennes-Oléron Bay (France). Microbial Ecol 57 (2):295-306
Baudart J, Servais P, De Paoli H, Henry A, Lebaron P Rapid enumeration of Escherichia coli in marine bathing waters : potential interference of nontarget bacteria. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 107:2054-2062 |
Bourguet N, Goutx M, Ghiglione JF, Pujo-Pay M, Mevel G, Momzikoff A, Mousseau L, Guigue C, Garcia N, Raimbault P, Pete R, Oriol L and Lefèvre D Lipid biomarkers and bacterial lipase activities as indicators of organic matter and bacterial dynamics in contrasted regimes at the DYFAMED site, NW Mediterranean Deep Sea Research II 56:1454–1469
Buchan A, Hadden M, Suzuki M T Development and application of quantitative PCR tools for subgroups of the Roseobacter clade. Appl Environ Microbiol, 75:7542-7547 |
Chever F, Sarthou G, Bucciarelli E, Blain S, Bowie AR An iron budget during the natural iron fertilisation experiment KEOPS (Kerguelen Islands, Southern Ocean), Biogeosciences 6:6803-6837
Christaki U, Courties C, Joux F, Jeffrey W, Neveux J, Naudin JJ Community structure and trophic role of ciliates and heterotrophic nanoflagellates in Rhone River diluted mesoscale structures (NW Mediterranean Sea). Aquatic Microbial Ecology 57:263-277
Corellou F,Schwartz C,Motta J P , Djouani-Tahri el B, Sanchez F, Bouget F Y Clocks in the green lineage: comparative functional analysis of the circadian architecture of the picoeukaryote ostreococcus. Plant Cell 21: 3436-3449 |
Dupouy C, Frouin R, Röttgers R, Neveux J, Gallois F, Panché JY, Gérard P, Fontana C, Pinazo C, Ouillon S, Minghelli-Roman A Ocean color response to an episode of heavy rainfall in the Lagoon of New Caledonia. In: Ocean Remote Sensing: Methods and applications, edited by Robert Frouin, Proceedings of SPIE (San Diego, 2009) Vol. 7459, 74590G |
Dyda RY, Suzuki MT, Yoshinaga MY, Harvey HR The Response of in-situ Microbial Communities to Diverse Organic Matter Sources in the Arctic Ocean. Research II Topical Studies in Oceanography doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.10.019 |
Farias L, Fernandez C, Faundez J, Cornejo M, Alcaman M E Chemolithoautotrophic production mediating the cycling of the greenhouses gases N2O and CH4 in an upwelling ecosystem. Biogeosciences 6(12):3053-3069 |
Fernández C Regeneration of nitrogen in the surface layer of the ocean: New challenges for the nitrogen cycle. In Atlantic and Indian Oceans: New Oceanographic Research. (ed. E.S.A.a.J.P. Bromley) (Nova Science Publishers Inc, USA; 2009) |
Fernández C, Farias L, Alcamán M Primary production and nitrogen regeneration processes in surface waters of the Peruvian upwelling system Progress in Oceanography 83:159-168
Ghiglione JF, Conan P, Pujo-Pay M Diversity of total and active free-living vs. particle-attached bacteria in the euphotic zone of the NW Mediterranean Sea. FEMS Microbial Letters 299:9-21 |
Goutx M, Guigue C, Aritio D, Ghiglione JF, Pujo-Pay M, Raybaud V, Duflos M, Prieur L Short term variability of dissolved lipid classes during summer to autumn transitional in the Ligurian sea (NW Mediterranean). Biogeosciences 6(7):1229-1246 |
Joux F, Jeffrey WH, Abboudi M, Pujo-Pay M, Oriol L, Neveux J, Naudin JJ Ultraviolet radiation in the Rhone lenses of low salinity and marinewaters of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea: attenuation and effects on bacterial production and net community production. Photochemistry and Photobiology 85:783–793
Lami R, Cottrell MT, Campbell BJ, Kierchman DL Light dependant growth and proteorhodopsin expression by Flavobacteria and SAR11 in Delaware coastal waters. Environmental Microbiology 11:3201-3209 |
Lami R, Cuperova Z, Ras J, Lebaron P, Koblizek M Distribution of free-living and particle-attached aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in marine environments. Aquatic Microbial Ecol 55:31-38 |
Lami R, Ghiglione JF, Desdevises Y, West NJ, Lebaron P Annual patterns of presence and activity of marine bacteria monitored by 16S rDNA–16S rRNA fingerprints in the coastal NW Mediterranean Sea. Aquat Microb Ecol 54:199-210 |
Lampitt RS, Salter I, Johns D. Radiolaria: Major exporters of organic carbon to the deep ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles V23 DOI:10.1029/2008GB003221
Lamy D, ObernostererI, Laghdass M, ArtigasF, BretonE, Grattepanche JD, Lecuyer E, Degros N, Lebaron P, Christaki U Temporal changes of major bacterial groups and bacterial heterotrophic activity during a Phaeocystis globosa bloom in the eastern English Channel. Aquat Microb Ecol 58:95-107 |
Matallana-Surget S, Douki T, Cavicchioli R, Joux J Remarkable resistance to UVB of the marine bacterium Photobacterium angsutum explained by an unexpected role of photolyase. Photochemistry and Photobiology Sciences, 8(9):1313-1320 |
Matallana-Surget S, Joux F, Raftery M, Cavicchioli R The response of the marine bacterium Sphingopyxis alaskensis to solar radiation assessed by quantitative proteomics. Environmental Microbiology 11(10):2660-2675 |
Mattsson T, Kortelainen P, Laubel A, Evans D, Pujo-Pay M, Raike A, Conan P Export of dissolved organic matter in relation to land use along a European climatic gradient. Science of the Total Environment, 407 (6):1967-1976 |
Meador JA, Baldwin AJ, Catala P, Jeffrey WH, Joux F, Moss JA, Pakulski JD, Stevens R, Mitchell DL Sunlight-induced DNA damage in marine microorganisms collected along a latitudinal gradient from 70°N to 68°S. Photochemistry & Photobiology 85:412-420 |
Medlin LK Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) In: The tree of life. Hedges, S.B. & KUMAR, S. eds. Oxford University Press. Pp. 127-130 |
Medlin LK Haptophytes (Haptophyta) The tree of life. Hedges, S.B. & KUMAR, S. eds. Oxford University Press. Pp. 121-126
Medlin LK The use of the terms centric and pennate. Diatom research, 24(2):499-501
Medlin LK, Kaczmarska I Correctly assigning original discoveries to original authors. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 50(2):407-408
Medlin LK, Sato S The Biological reality of the core and basal group of araphid diatoms. Diatom research, 24(2):503-508
| |
Neveux J, Tenorio MMB, Jacquet S, Torréton JP, Douillet P, Ouillon S, Dupouy C. Chlorophylls and phycoerythrins as markers of environmental forcings including cyclone Erica effect (March 2003) on phytoplankton in the southwest lagoon of New Caledonia and oceanic adjacent area. International Journal of oceanography 2009, ID 232513, 19p |
ObernostererI, Lami R, Larcher M, Batailler N, Catala P, Lebaron P Linkage between bacterial carbon processing and the structure of the active bacterial community at a coastal site in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Microb Ecol DOI 10.1007/s00248-009-9588-7
Palacios C, Zbinden M, Pailleret M, Gail F, Lebaron P Highly similar prokaryotic communities of sunken wood at shallow and deep-sea sites across the oceans. Microbial Ecology, 58(4):737-752 |
Pollard R, Salter I, Richard J, Sanders R, Lucas M, Mills R, Moore C, Statham P, Allen J, Baker A, Baker D, Charette M, Fielding S, Fones G, French M, Hickman A, Holland R, Hughes A, Jickells T, Lampitt R, Morris P, Nédélec F, Nielsdóttir M, Planquette H, Popova E, Poulton A, Read J, Seeyave S, Smith T, Stinchombe M, Talor S, Thomalla S, Venables H, Williamson R, Zubkov M Natural Iron fertilisation enhances deep-water carbon flux in Southern Ocean Nature 457:577-580 |
Preston C, Marin III MR, Jensen SD, Feldman J, Birch JM, Massion EI, DeLong EF, Suzuki M, Wheeler K, Scholin CA Near real-time, autonomous detection of marine bacterioplankton on a coastal mooring in Monterey Bay, California, using rRNA-targeted DNA probes. Environ Microbiol 11: 1168-1180
Rodriguez-Blanco A, Ghiglione JF, Catala P, Casamayor EO, Lebaron P Spatial comparison of total vs. active bacterial populations by coupling genetic fingerprinting and clone library analyses in NW Mediterranean Sea. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 67:30–42 |
Salter I, Zubkov MV, Warwick P, Burkill P Marine bacteria can increase the rate of evaporation and gas transfer by metabolising insoluble surfactants from the air-water interface” FEMS Microbiology Letters 294:225-231 |
Sanchez S, Bouget FY, Sanchez F, Garnier L Functional genomics approaches to study the involvement of transcription factors in the microalgae Ostreococcus tauri circadian clock, |
Tedetti M, Joux F, Charrière B, Mopper K, Sempéré S Contrasting effects of solar radiation and nitrates on the biovailability of DOM to marine bacteria. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 201:243-247 |
Urios L, Intertaglia L, Lesongeur F, Lebaron P Haliea rubra sp nov., a member of the Gammaproteobacteria from the Mediterranean Sea. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 59:1188-1192 |
Van Wambeke F, Ghiglione JF, Nedoma J, Mével G, Raimbault P Bottom up effects on bacterioplankton growth and composition during summer-autumn transition in the open NW Mediterranean Sea. Biogeosciences 6:705–720 |
Vuillemin R, Sanfilippo L, Moscetta P, Zudaire L, Carbones E, Maria E, Tricoire C, Oriol L, Blain S, Le Bris N, Lebaron P Continuous nutrient automated monitoring on the Mediterranean Sea using in situ flow analyser. In:(eds), Oceans 2009, vols 1-3, 517-524 |
Yutin N, Suzuki M T, Rosenberg M, Rotem D, Madigan M T, Süling J, Imhoff J F, Béjà O BchY-based degenerate primers target all types of anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria in a single PCR reaction. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 75:7556-7559 |