Publications 2022
- Albignac M., Ghiglione J-F., Labrune C., ter Halle A. (2022) Determination of microplastic content in Mediterranean benthic organisms by pyrolysis-gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Mar. Poll. Bull. 181:113882.⟨hal-03773577⟩ THEME 3
- Beier S.*, Werner J., Bouvier T., Mouquet N., Violle C. (2022) Trait-trait relationships and tradeoffs vary with genome size in prokaryotes. Front. Microbiol. 13:985216. ⟨hal-03872963⟩ THEME 1
- Blain S.*, Planquette H., Obernosterer I., Guéneuguès A. (2022) Vertical flux of trace elements associated with lithogenic and biogenic carrier phases in the Southern Ocean. Global Biogeo. Cycles. 36:e2022GB007371 doi:10.1029/2022GB007371. ⟨hal-03684981⟩ THEME 2
- Bouchachi N.*, Obernosterer I., Crispi O., Marie B., Ortega-Retuerta E.* (2022) Phosphorus limitation determines the quality of dissolved organic matter released by marine heterotrophic prokaryotes. Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett. (In press) ⟨hal-03860797⟩ THEME 2
- Briand J-F., Pollet T., Misson B., Garnier C., Lejars M., Maintenay M., Barry-Martinet R., Portas A., Ghiglione J-F., Bressy C. (2022) Substrate characteristics together with environmental conditions shape marine biofilm dynamics on antifouling coatings in coastal NW Mediterranean locations. Front. Microbiol. 8:746383.⟨hal-03608643⟩ THEME 3
- Bruyant F., R. Amiraux, M.-P. Amyot, P. Archambault, L. Artigue, L. Bardedo de Freitas, G. Bécu, S. Bélanger, P. Bourgain, A. Bricaud, E. Brouard, C. Brunet, T. Burgers, D. Caleb, K. Chalut, H. Clautre, V. Cornet-Barthaux, P. Coupel, M. Cusa, F. Cusset, L. Dadaglio, M. Davelaar, G. Deslongchamps, C. Dimier, J. Dinasquet, D. Dumont, B. Else, I. Eulaers, J. Ferland, G. Filteau, M.-H. Forget, J. Fort, L. Fortier, M. Galí-Tapías, M. Gallinari, S.-E. Garbus, N. Garcia, C. Gérikas Ribeiro, C. Gombault, P. Gourvil, C. Goyens, C. Grant, P-L. Grondin, P. Guillot, S. Hillion, R. Hussher, F. Joux, H. Joy-Warren, Gabriel Joyal, David Kieber, Augustin Lafond, José Lagunas-Morales, Patrick Lajeunesse, C. Lalande, J. Larivière, F. Le Gall, K. Leblanc, M. Leblanc, J. Legras, K. Levesque, K-M. Lewis, E. Leymarie, A. Leynaert, T. Linkowski, M. Lizotte, A. Lopes do Santos, C. Marec, D. Marie, G. Massé, P. Massicotte, A. Matsuoka, L. Miller, S. Mirshak, N. Morata, B. Moriceau, P-I. Morin, S. Morisset, A. Mosbech, A. Mucci, G. Nadaï, C . Nozais, I. Obernosterer, T. Paire, C. Panagiotopoulos, M. Parenteau, N. Pelletier, M. Picheral, B. Quéguiner, P. Raimbault, J. Ras, E. Rehm, L. Ribot Lacosta, J-F. Rontani, B. Saint-Béat, J. Sansoulet, N. Sardet, C. Schmechtig, A. Sciandra, R. Sempéré, C. Sévigny, J. Toullec, M. Tragin, J-E. Tremblay, A-P. Trottier, D. Vaulot, A. Vladoiu, L. Xue, G. Yunda-Guarin, M. Babin. (2022) The Green Edge cruise: Understanding the onset, life and fate of the Arctic phytoplankton spring bloom. Earth System Science Data. 14:4607–4642. ⟨hal-03782664⟩ THEME 2
- Cabrera-Brufau M., Marrasé C., Ortega-Retuerta E., Nunes S., Estrada M., Sala M. M., Vaqué D., Pérez G. L., Simó R., Cermeño P. (2022) Particulate and dissolved fluorescent organic matter fractionation and composition: Abiotic and ecological controls in the Southern Ocean. Sci. Tot. Environ. 844:156921. ⟨hal-03722303⟩ THEME 2
- Cheng J., Eyheraguibel B., Jacquin J., Pujo-Pay M., Conan P., Barbe V., Hoypierres J., Deligey G., ter Halle A., Bruzaud S, Ghiglione J-F., Meistertzheim A.L. (2022) Biodegradability under marine conditions of bio-based and petroleum-based polymers as substitutes of conventional microbeads. Polym. Degrad. Stab. 206:110159. ⟨hal-03844496v1⟩ THEME 3
- Conan P.*, Philip L., Ortega-Retuerta E., Odobel C., Duran C., Pandin C., Giraud C., Meistertzheim A.L., Barbe B., Ter Hall A., Pujo-Pay M., Ghiglione J-F. (2022) Evidence of coupled autotrophy and heterotrophy on plastic biofilms and its influence on surrounding seawater. Environ. Poll. 315 :120463. ⟨hal-03853376⟩ THEME 3
- Dinasquet J.*, Bigeard E., Gazeau F., Azam F., Guieu C., Maranon E., Ridame C., Van Wambeke F., Obernosterer I., Baudoux A-C. (2022) Impact of dust addition on the microbial food web under present and future conditions of pH and temperature. Biogeoscience. 19:1303–1319. ⟨insu-03636650⟩ THEME 2
- Dinasquet J.*, Landa M., Obernosterer I. (2022) SAR11 clade microdiversity and activity during the early spring blooms off Kerguelen Island, Southern Ocean. Environ. Microbiol. Rep. DOI: 10.1111/1758-2229.13117. ⟨hal-03835509⟩ THEME 2
- Ferrieux M., L. Dufour, H. Doré, M. Ratin, A. Guéneuguès, L. Chasselin, Dominique Marie, F. Rigaut-Jalabert, Florence Le Gall, T. Sciandra, G. Monier, M. Hoebeke, E. Corre, X. Xia, H. Liu, D.J. Scanlan, F. Partensky, L. Garczarek (2022) Comparative thermophysiology of marine Synechococcus CRD1 strains isolated from different thermal niches in iron-depleted areas. Front. Microbiol. 13:893413. ⟨10.3389/fmicb.2022.893413⟩. ⟨hal-03768045⟩ THEME 1
- Jara B., Srain B.M., Aranda M., Fernández C., Pantoja-Gutiérrez S., Méjanelle L. (2022) Water-sediment partitioning of flumequine and florfenicol, two antibiotics used in salmon aquaculture in Chile. 2022. Mar. Poll. Bull. 177:113480. ⟨hal-04008563⟩ THEME 3
- Juhls B., A. Matsuoka, M. Lizotte, G. Bécu, P.P. Overduin, J. El Kassar, E. Devred, D. Doxaran, J. Ferland, M.H. Forget, A. Hilborn, M. Hieronymi, E. Leymarie, J. Maury, L. Oziel, L. Tisserand, D.O.J. Anikina, M. Dillon, M. Babin (2022) Seasonal dynamics of dissolved organic matter in the Mackenzie Delta, Canadian Arctic waters: Implications for ocean colour remote sensing. Remote Sensing Environ. 283:113327. ⟨10.1016/j.rse.2022.113327⟩. ⟨hal-03835472⟩ THEME 2
- Lizotte M., B. Juhls, A. Matsuoka, P. Massicotte, G. Mével, D. O. J. Anikina, S. Antonova, G. Bécu, M. Béguin, S. Bélanger, T. Bossé-Demers, L. Bröder, F. Bruyant, G. Chaillou, J. Comte, R-M. Couture, E. Devred, G. Deslongchamps, T. Dezutter, M. Dillon, D. Doxaran, A. Flamand, F. Fell, J. Ferland, M-H. Forget, M. Fritz, T. J. Gordon, C. Guilmette, A. Hilborn, R. Hussherr, C. Irish, F. Joux, L. Kipp, A. Laberge-Carignan, H. Lantuit, E. Leymarie, A. Mannino, J. Maury, P. Overduin, L. Oziel, C. Stedmon, C. Thomas, L. Tisserand, J-É. Tremblay, J. Vonk, D. Whalen, M. Babin. (2022) Nunataryuk field campaigns: Understanding the origin and fate of terrestrial organic matter in the coastal waters of the Mackenzie Delta region. Earth System Science Data ⟨hal-04047494⟩ THEME 2
- Maturana-Martínez C., J. L. Iriarte, S.-Y. Ha, B. Lee, I-Y. Ahn, M. Vernet, M. Cape, C. Fernández, H. E. González, P. E. Galand (2022) Biogeography of Southern Ocean active prokaryotic communities over a large spatial scale. Front. Microbiol. 13 :862812. ⟨10.3389/fmicb.2022.862812⟩ ⟨hal-03830917⟩ THEME 2
- Nuñez-Acuña G., Fernandez C., Guevara-Sangueza S., Gallardo-Escarate C. (2022) Transcriptome profiling of the early developmental stages in the giant mussel Choromytilus chorus exposed to delousing drugs. Mar. Genomics 65:100970.⟨hal-04054174⟩ THEME 3
- Pedrotti M.L., de Figueiredo Lacerda A.L., Petit S., Ghiglione J-F., Gorsky G. (2022) Vibrio spp and other potential pathogenic bacteria associated to microfibers in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea. Plos One 17: e0275284.⟨hal-03955938⟩ THEME 3
- Pinhassi J., H.M. Farnelid, S. Martínez-García, E. Teira, P.E. Galand, I. Obernosterer, C. Quince, M. Vila-Costa, J. M. Gasol, D. Lundin, A. F. Andersson, M. Labrenz, L. Riemann. (2022) Functional responses of key marine bacteria to environmental change -towards genetic counselling for coastal waters. Front. Microbiol. 13:869093. ⟨hal-04056464⟩ THEME 2
- Rabouille S.*, Tournier L., Duhamel S., Claquin P., Crispi O., Talec A., Landolfi A., Oschlies A. (2022) Organic phosphorus scavenging supports efficient growth of diazotrophic cyanobacteria under phosphate depletion. Front. Microbiol. 13:848647. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.848647 ⟨hal-03721415⟩ THEME 1
- Rain-Franco A.*, Mouquet N., Gougat-Barbera C., Bouvier T., Beier S.* (2022) Niche breadth affects bacterial transcription patterns along a salinity gradient. Mol. Ecol. 31:1216–1233. ⟨hal-03589732⟩ THEME 2
- Reyes-Macaya D., B. Hoogakker, G. Martínez-Méndez, P. J. Llanillo, P. Grasse, M. Mohtadi, A. Mix, M. J. Leng, U. Struck, D. C. McCorkle, M. Troncoso, E. M. Gayo, C. B. Lange, L. Farias, W. Carhuapoma, M. Graco, M. Cornejo-D’Ottone, R. De Pol Holz, C. Fernandez, D. Narvaez, C. A. Vargas, Francisco García-Araya, D. Hebbeln (2022) Isotopic characterization of water masses in the Southeast Pacific region: Paleoceanography implications. J. Geophys. Res. 127:e2021JC017525. ⟨hal-04054161⟩ THEME 2
- Ridame C., J. Dinasquet, S. Hallstrøm, E. Bigeard, L. Riemann, F. Van Wambeke, M. Bressac, E. Pulido-Villena, V. Taillandier, F. Gazeau, A. Tovar-Sanchez, A.-C. Baudoux, C. Guieu (2022) N2 fixation in the Mediterranean Sea related to the composition of the diazotrophic community and impact of dust under present and future environmental conditions. Biogeosciences. 19:415–435. ⟨insu-03636656⟩ THEME 1
- Taillandier V., D'Ortenzio F., Prieur L., Conan P., Coppola L., Cornec M., Dumas F., Durrieu de Madron X., Fach B., Fourrier M., Gentil M., Hayes D., Husrevoglu S., Legoff H., Le Ster L., Örek H., Ozer T., Poulain P.M., Pujo-Pay M., Ribera d'Alcalà M., Salihoglu B., Testor P., Velaoras D., Wagener T., Wimart-Rousseau C. (2022) Sources of the Levantine intermediate water in winter 2019. J. Geophys. Res. 127:e2021JC017506. ⟨insu-03746448⟩ THEME 2
- Taketani R.G,. Dini-Andreote F., Beier S., Fernandez C. (2022) Editorial: Advancements in the understanding of anthropogenic impacts on the microbial ecology and function of aquatic environments. Front. Microbiol. 12:820697.⟨hal-04054143⟩ THEME 3
- Trombetta T., Bouget F-Y., Félix C., Mostajir B., Vidussi F. (2022) Microbial diversity in a North Western Mediterranean Sea shallow coastal lagoon under contrasting water temperature conditions. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:858744. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.858744 ⟨hal-03832312⟩ THEME 1
- Valdés-Castro V., Gonzalez H., Giesecke R., Fernandez C., Molina V. (2022) Assessment of microbial community composition changes in the presence of phytoplankton derived exudates in two contrasting areas from Chilean Patagonia. Diversity. 14:195. ⟨hal-04054131⟩ THEME 2
- Van Wambeke F., Pulido E., Catala P., Dinasquet J., Djaoudi K., Engel A., Garel M., Guasco S., Marie B., Nunige S., Taillandier V., Zäncker B., Tamburini C. (2021) Spatial patterns of biphasic ectoenzymatic kinetics related to biogeochemical properties in the Mediterranean Sea. Biogeoscience. 18:2301–2323. ⟨hal-03195714⟩ THEME 2