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Laboratoire d'Océanographie Microbienne
UMR 7621

Publications 2024


  1. Barbe V., Jacquin J., Bouzon M., Wolinski A., Derippe G., Cheng J., Cruaud C., Roche D., Fouteau S., Petit J-L., Conan P,. Pujo-Pay M., Bruzaud S., Ghiglione J-F. (2024) Bioplastic degradation and assimilation processes by a novel bacterium isolated from the marine plastisphere. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 466:133573. // hal-04553194 
  2. Baudet C., Bucciarelli E., Sarthou G., Boulart C., Pelleter E., Goddard-Dwyer M., Whitby H., Zhang R., Obernosterer I., Gonzalez-Santana D., Léon M., van Beek P., Sanial V., Jeandel C., Vivier F., Vorrath M.-E., Liao W.-H., Germain Y., Planquette H. (2024) A hydrothermal plume on the SouthWest Indian Ridge revealed by a multi-proxy approach: impact on iron and manganese distributions (GEOTRACES GS02). 2024. Mar. Chem. 265-266 :104401. // hal-04636054v1 
  3. Baztan J., Jorgensen B., Carney Almroth B., Bergman M., Farrelly T., Munckle J., Syberg K., Thompson R., Boucher J., Olsen T., Alava J.J., Aragow T.A., Bailly D., Bartolotta J., Catillo A., Collins T., Cordier M., De-Falco F., Deeney M., Fernandez M., Gall S., Gammage T., Ghiglione J-F., Gündogdu S., Hansen T., Issifu I., Knoblauch D., Wang M., Kvake K., Monsaingeon B., Moon S., Morales-Caselles C., Reynaud S., Rodríguez-Seijo A. (2024) Primary Plastic Polymers: urgently needed upstream reduction. Cambridge Prisms : Plastics, 1-3.
  4. Cheng J., Wang P., Ghiglione J-F., Liu L., Cai Z., Zhou J., Zhua X. (2024) Bacterial pathogens associated with the plastisphere of surgical face masks and their dispersion potential in the coastal marine environment. Journal of Hazardous Materials 462: 132741.
  5. Derippe G., Philip L., Lemechko P., Meistertzheim A.L., Pujo-Pay M., Conan P., Barbe V., Bruzaud S., Ghiglione J-F. (2024) Marine biodegradation of various tailor-made polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) is influenced by the chemical structure and associated bacterial communities. Journal of Hazardous Materials 462:132782.  // hal-04254412
  6. Douchet P., Haegeman B., Allienne J-F., Boissier J., Senghor B., Rey O. (2024) The abundance of snail hosts mediates the effects of antagonist interactions between trematodes on the transmission of human schistosomes. Infectious Diseases of Poverty. 13:65. // hal-04705487
  7. Eyheraguibel B., Diémé B., Lagrée M., Durand S., Barbe V., Meistertzheim A.L., ter Halle A., Burgaud G., Ghiglione J-F. (2024) Untargeted metabolomic insights into plastisphere communities in European rivers. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 1-14.
  8. Ghiglione J-F., Barbe V., Bruzaud S., Burgaud G., Cachot J., Eyheraguibel B., Lartaud F., Ludwig W., Meistertzheim A.L., Paul-Pont I., Pesant S., ter Halle A., Thiebeauld O. & the Mission Tara Microplastics consortium (2024) Mission Tara Microplastics: a holistic set of protocols and data resources for the field investigation of plastic pollution along the land-sea continuum in Europe. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 1:18. // hal-04302147
  9. Ghiglione J-F., ter Halle A. (2024) Plastic debris exposure and effects in rivers: boundaries for efficient ecological risk assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research
  10. Jacob S., Dupont L., Haegeman B., Thierry M., Campana J., Legrand D., Cote J., Raffard A. (2024) Phenotypic plasticity and the effects of thermal fluctuations on specialists and generalists. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 291:20240256. // hal-04675396
  11. Jacquin J., Budinich M., Chaffron S., Barbe V., Lombard F., Pedrotti M.L., Gorsky G., ter Halle A., Bruzaud S., Kedzierski M., Ghiglione J-F. (2024) Niche partitioning and plastisphere core microbiomes in the two most plastic polluted zones of the world Ocean. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 3:41118-41136. //
  12. Kong Y., Zhang R., Blain S., Obernosterer I. (2024) Seasonal dynamics in microbial trace metals transporters during phytoplankton blooms in the Southern Ocean. Environ Microbiol. 26:e16695 doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.16695. hal-04748876v1
  13. Landebrit L., Sanchez R., Soccalingame L., Palazot M., Kedzierski M., Bruzaud S., Albignac M., Ludwig W., Ghiglione J-F., ter Halle A. (2024) Small microplastics have much higher mass concentrations than large microplastics at the surface of nine major European rivers. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 1-16.
  14. Maggioni F., Raimbault P., Chateau O., Pujo-Pay M., Letourneur Y., et al. (2024) Warm-adapted sponges resist thermal stress by reallocating carbon and nitrogen resources from cell turnover to somatic growth. Limnology and Oceanography. 69:976-991. // hal-04732930
  15. Metzl N., Fin J., Lo Monaco C., Mignon C., Alliouane S., Antoine D., Bourdin G., Boutin J., Bozec Y., Conan P., Coppola L., Diaz F., Douville E., Durrieu de Madron X., Gattuso J-P., Gazeau F., Golbol M., Lansard B., Lefèvre D., Lefèvre N., Lombard F., Louanchi F., Merlivat L., Olivier L., Petrenko A., Petton S., Pujo-Pay M., Rabouille C., Reverdin G., Ridame C., Tribollet A., Vellucci V., Wagener T., Wimart-Rousseau C. (2024). A synthesis of ocean total alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon measurements from 1993 to 2022: the SNAPO-CO2-v1 dataset. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 16: 89-120. // hal-04410454
  16. Poblete-Ulloa J., Gutiérrez M.H., Lange C.B., Narváez D.A., Montero P., González H.E., Fernández C. (2024) Freshwater discharge drives latitudinal changes of phytoplankton composition on the continental shelf off Chilean Patagonia. Journal of Marine Systems. 245:103993. // hal-04730698
  17. Rain-Franco A., Peter H., Pavan de Moraes G., Beier S. (2024) The cost of adaptability: resource availability constrains functional stability under pulsed disturbances. mSphere 9:e00727-23.
  18. Saito M.A., Alexander H., Benway H.M., Boyd P.W., Gledhill M., Kujawinski E.B., Levine N.M., Maheigan M., Marchetti A., Obernosterer I., Santoro A.E., Shi D., Suzuki K., Tagliabue A., Twining B.S., Maldonado M.T. (2024) The Dawn of the BioGeoSCAPES Program – Ocean Metabolism and Nutrient Cycles on a Changing Planet. Oceanography, 37:162-166.
  19. Soulié T., Vidussi F., Courboulès J., Heydon M., Mas S., Voron F., Cantoni C., Joux F., Mostajir B. (2024) Simulated terrestrial runoff shifts the metabolic balance of a coastal Mediterranean plankton community towards heterotrophy. Biogeosciences. 21 :1887–1902.
  20. van Wambeke F., Conan P., Pujo-Pay M., Taillandier V., Crispi O., et Pavlidou A., Nunige S., Didry M., Salmeron C., Pulido-Villena E. (2024) Phosphomonoesterase and phosphodiesterase activities in the eastern Mediterranean in two contrasting seasonal situations. Biogeosciences. 21:2621-2640. // hal-04732795
  21. van Wambeke F., Taillandier V., Durrieu de Madron X., Conan,P., Pujo-Pay M., Psarra S., Rabouille S., Baumas C., Pulido-Villena E. (2024) Mesoscale variability of phosphorus stocks, hydrological and biological processes in the mixed layer in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea in autumn and during an unusually dense winter phytoplankton bloom. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 209:104348. // hal-04712150v1
  22. von Jackowski A., Bouchachi N., Barral Q.B., Labatut P., Marie B., Crispi O., Escoubeyrou K., Paulin C-H., Dimier C., Ras J., Hayward A., Ortega-Retuerta E. (2024) Seasonality of amino acid enantiomers and microbial community at MOLA time series in the NW Mediterranean. Organic Geochemistry 196:104839 // hal-04677811v1
  23. West N. J, Landa M., Obernosterer I. (2024) Differential association of key bacterial groups with diatoms and Phaeocystis spp. during spring blooms in the Southern Ocean. MicrobiologyOpen. 13: e1428
  24. Zhang R., Blain S., Baudet C., Planquette H., Vivier F., Catala P., Crispi O., Guéneuguès A., Marie B., Debeljak P., Obernosterer I. (2024) Tagging of water masses with covariance of trace metals and prokaryotic taxa. Limnol. Oceanogr. Letters. // hal-04681760v1 
  25. Zhang M., Dang P., Haegeman B., Han X., Wang X., Pu X., Qin  X. (2024) The effects of straw return on soil bacterial diversity and functional profiles: A meta-analysis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 195:109484. // hal-04600525



Caille C., Rabouille S., Ortega-retuerta E., Denis Y., Crispi O., Marie B., Pujo-Pay M., Daric V., Talla E., Latifi A. (2024) Unveiling Crocosphaera responses to phosphorus depletion: insights from genome analysis and functional characterization. bioRxiv 2024.10.09.617355.


SEANOE | Jeu de données

Argo (2024). Argo float data and metadata from Global Data Assembly Centre (Argo GDAC). SEANOE.

Savoye N., Lizon F., Breton E., Claquin P., Joly O., Sultan E., Jung J-L., Bozec Y., Boulart C., Rimmelin-Maury P., Leynaert A., Agogué H., Pineau P., Del Amo Y., Conan P., Mostajir B., Grégori G., Mousseau L., Mendès F. (2024). SOMLIT (Service d'Observation en Milieu Littoral) time series (French Research Infrastructure ILICO): long-term core parameter monitoring of French coasts. SEANOE.

Alric B., M. Lemoine, P. Claquin; E. Abadie, C. Arnaud, L.F. Artigas, C. Belin, C. Blondel, E. Breton, L. Carpentier et autres (2024) PHYTOBS-MARCOBOLO dataset - Phytoplankton time series in French coastal waters.

Conan P., Vuillemin R., Catania A., Bourrin F., Zudaire L. (2024). COAST-HF / SOLA time series (French Research Infrastructure ILICO): long-term High frequency measurements in the Bay of Banyuls-sur-Mer. SEANOE.

Conan P., Maria E., Labatut P., Zudaire L., Pujo-Pay M., Pecqueur D., Salmeron C., Crispi O., Marie B., Vuillemin R. (2024). SOMLIT-SOLA time series (French Research Infrastructure ILICO): long-term core parameter monitoring in the Bay of Banyuls-sur-Mer. SEANOE.


Submitted / in press

Barry-Martinet R., Pollet T., Fay F., Tunin-Ley A., Turquet J., Ghiglione J-F., Garnier C.,  Portas A.,  Burgaud G., Rimet F., Briand J-F. Geographic genetic divergence in tychoplanktonic taxa dominating diatom communities in the marine plastisphere. Molecular Ecology. (submitted)

Devic M., Dennu L., Lozano J-C., Mariac C., Vergé V., Schatt P., Nouget F-Y., Sabot F. An INDEL genomic approach to explore population diversity of phytoplankton : Bathycoccus, a case study. BMC Genomics (in press)

Lavergne E., Calves I., Chapron L., Lartaud F., Ghiglione J-F., Meistertzheim A.L. Plastics in the city: spatial and temporal variation of urban litter in a coastal town of France. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (submitted)

Laymand E., Galand P.E., Bouget F-Y., Bittner L., Joux F. (2024) 5-years time series reveals short term bursts of planktonic Fungi in a coastal Mediterranean site. Environmental Microbiology (submitted)

Metzl N, Fin J, Lo Monaco C, Mignon C, Alliouane S, Bombled B, Boutin J, Bozec Y, Comeau S, Conan P, Coppola L, Cuet P, Ferreira E, Gattuso JP, Gazeau F, Goyet C, Grossteffan E, Lansard B, Lefèvre D, Lefèvre N, Leseurre C, Petton S, Pujo-Pay M, Rabouille C, Reverdin G, Ridame C, Rimmelin-Maury P, Ternon JF, Touratier F, Tribollet A, Wagener T, Wimart-Rousseau C (2024). An updated synthesis of ocean total alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon measurements from 1993 to 2023: the SNAPO-CO2-v2 dataset. Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. (submitted)

Philip L., Chapron L., Barbe V., Burgaud G., Calvès I., Paul-Pont I., Thiébeauld O., Sperandio B., Navarro L., ter Halle A., Eyheraguibel B., Ludwig W., Palazot M., Kedzierski M., Meistertzheim A.L., Ghiglione J-F. A pan-European study of the bacterial plastisphere diversity along river-to-sea continuums. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (submitted)

Philip L., Le Picard M., Lavergne E., Bourgain P., Sabard B., Troublé R., Meistertzheim A.L., Ludwig W., ter Hall A., Lacroix C., Ghiglione J-F. Comparison of the macro-, meso- and microplastic pollution in French riverbanks and beaches using citizen science with schoolchildren. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (submitted)

Weiss L., Estournel C., Marsaleix P., Mikolajczak G., Constant M., Ghiglione J-F., Ludwig W. From source to sink: Part 2. Seasonal dispersion of microplastics discharged in the NW Mediterranean by the Rhone River. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (submitted)




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