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Laboratoire d'Océanographie Microbienne
UMR 7621

Hector Levipan




 Hector Levipan

Doctorant Université de Conception

Laboratoire d'Océanographie Microbienne (LOMIC) - UMR 7621 CNRS-UPMC

Avenue Fontaulé - 66650 Banyuls sur mer, France


My PhD thesis entitled "Nitrite-oxidation by natural planktonic communities of the eastern South Pacific: effects of solar radiation and community composition" is conducted at the University of Concepcion (PhD program in Oceanography, fenêtre) and at the LOMIC in Banyuls sur mer (ECOS-CONICYT exchange program). My supervisors are Dr. Camila Fernandez (Advisor) and Dr. Renato Quiñones (thesis direction).


Traductions :

    Le LOMIC en chiffres

    9 Chercheurs CNRS
    3 Enseignant-chercheurs

    8 Tech/Ingénieurs

    1 Post doctorant

    3 CDD Ingénieur
    12 Etudiants en thèse