ORCID: 0000-0002-2530-8111 Research ID: A-5434-2011 |
Ingrid Obernosterer
Senior Research Scientist – DR CNRS
Previous employment
Marie Curie Fellow at the Biological Oceanography Lab, Banyuls sur mer
PostDoc at the University of South Carolina, USA
Ph.D. 2000, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
M.S. 1994, University of Vienna, Austria
Research Interests
Microbial oceanography and microbial ecology, links between structure and function of microbial communities, bacterial roles in the marine carbon and iron cycles, interactions between dissolved organic matter and microbial diversity, natural iron fertilization of the Southern Ocean, classical biogeochemical approaches and meta-omics tools
Ongoing and recent Projects
2019-2023: BINGO - Bioavailability of Fe contained in nanoparticles of glacial origin
2020-2024: SWINGS - South West Indian Geotraces Section
2018-2022: co-PI and chief scientist of the project MOBYDICK (Marine Ecosystem Biodiversity and Dynamics of Carbon around Kerguelen: an integrated view)
2014-2019: SOCLIM (Southern Ocean and Climate)
2016-2019: HEOBI - Heard Earth-Ocean-Biosphere-Interactions aboard the Australian R/V Investigator
PhD Students and PostDocs (past 5 years)
Rhea Thoppil (2022-present)
Yanhui KONG (2022-present)
Rui Zhang (2020-present)
Publications (past 5 years)
Debeljak P., B. Bayer, Y. Sun, G.J. Herndl, I. Obernosterer (accepted). Seasonal patterns in microbial carbon and iron transporter expression in the Southern Ocean. Microbiome
Zhang R., P. Debeljak, S. Blain, I. Obernosterer (2023). Seasonal shifts in Fe-acquisition strategies in Southern Ocean microbial communities revealed by metagenomics and autonomous sampling. Environ. Microbiol. DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.16397
Bouchachi, N., I. Obernosterer, B. Marie, O. Crispi, C. Carpaneto-Bastos, F. Li, L. Scenna, P. Catala, E. Ortega-Retuerta (2023) Effects of phosphorus limitation on the bioavailability of DOM released by marine heterotrophic prokaryotes. Microbial Ecology.
Blain, S., H. Planquette, I. Obernosterer, and A. Guéneuguès. 2022. Vertical Flux of Trace Elements Associated With Lithogenic and Biogenic Carrier Phases in the Southern Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 36. doi:10.1029/2022GB007371
Bouchachi N., I. Obernosterer, B. Marie, O. Crispi, E. Ortega-Retuerta (2022). Phosphorus limitation determines the quality of dissolved organic matter released by marine heterotrophic prokaryotes. Limnology and Oceanography Letters
Pinhassi J., H.M. Farnelid, S. Martínez-García, E. Teira, P.E. Galand, I. Obernosterer, C. Quince, M. Vila-Costa, J. M. Gasol, D. Lundin, A. F. Andersson, M. Labrenz, L. Riemann. (2022) Functional responses of key marine bacteria to environmental change -towards genetic counselling for coastal waters. Front. Microbiology. DOI : 10.3389/fmicb.2022.869093
Dinasquet J., M. Landa, I. Obernosterer. SAR11 clade microdiversity and activity during the early spring blooms off Kerguelen Island, Southern Ocean (2022). Environmental Microbiology Reports. DOI: 10.1111/1758-2229.13117
Debeljak P., S. Blain, A. Bowie, P. van der Merwe, B. Bayer, I. Obernosterer (2021). Homeostasis drives intense microbial trace metal processing on marine particles. Limnol. Oceanogr. DOI: 10.1002/LNO.11923
Sun, Y., Debeljak, P., Obernosterer, I. (2021) Microbial iron and carbon metabolism as revealed by taxonomy-specific functional diversity in the Southern Ocean. ISME J
Behind the Paper:
Hernandez Magana A.E., Y. Liu, P. Debeljak, O. Crispi, B. Marie, C. Koedooder, I. Obernosterer. Prokaryotic diversity and activity in contrasting productivity regimes in the Kerguelen region (Southern Ocean) (2021). JMarSys 221
Dinasquet J., E. Bigeard, F. Gazeau, F. Azam, C. Guieu, E. Maranon, C. Ridame, F. Van Wambeke, I. Obernosterer, A.-C. Baudoux. Impact of dust addition on the microbial food web under present and future conditions of pH and temperature. Biogeoscience special Issue: Atmospheric deposition in the low-nutrient-low-chlorophyll (LNLC) ocean: effects on marine life today and in the future. Preprint available, 2021
Gazeau F., C. Ridame, F. Van Wambeke, S. Alliouane, C. Stolpe, J-O. Irisson, S. Marro, J-M. Grisoni, G. De Liège, S. Nunige, K. Djaoudi, E. Pulido-Villena, J. Dinasquet, I. Obernosterer, P. Catala and C. Guieu. (2021) Impact of dust enrichment on Mediterranean plankton communities under present and future conditions of pH and temperature: an experimental overview. Biogeoscience special Issue: Atmospheric deposition in the low-nutrient-low-chlorophyll (LNLC) ocean: effects on marine life today and in the future. Preprint available
Freney E., K. Sellegri, A. Nicossia, L.R. Williams, M. Rinaldi, J. T.Trueblood, A. S.H. Prevot, M. Thyssen, G. Gregori, N. Haentjens, J. Dinasquet, I. Obernosterer, F. Van-Wambeke, A. Engel, Birthe Zäncker, K. Desboeufs, E. Asmi, H. Timmonen and C. Guieu. (2021) Mediterranean nascent sea spray organic aerosol and relationships with seawater biogeochemistry. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 21, 1-17.
Trueblood J., A. Nicosia, A. Engel, B. Zäncker, M. Rinaldi, E. Freney, M. Thyssen, I. Obernosterer, J. Dinasquet, F. Belosi, A. Tovar-Sánchez, A. Rodriguez-Romero, G. Santachiara, C. Guieu, and K. Sellegri (2021) A Two-Component Parameterization of Marine Ice Nucleating Particles Based on Seawater Biology and Sea Spray Aerosol Measurements in the Mediterranean Sea. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 21, 4659-4676.
Ortega-Retuerta E., Q. Devresse, J. Caparros, B. Marie, O. Crispi, P. Catala, F. Joux, I. Obernosterer (2020). Dissolved organic matter released by two marine heterotrophic bacterial strains and its bioavailability for natural prokaryotic communities. Environmental Microbiology. DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.15306
Ratnarajah L., S. Blain, P. W. Boyd, M. Fourquez, I. Obernosterer, A. Tagliabue (2020). Resource colimitation drives competition between phytoplankton and bacteria in the Southern Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters. DOI: 10.1029/2020GL088369
Blain S., M. Rembauville, O. Crispi and I. Obernosterer (2020). Synchronized autonomous sampling reveals coupled pulses of biomass and export of morphologically different diatoms in the Southern Ocean. Limnol. Oceanogr. 9999, 1-12.
Liu Y., S. Blain, O. Crispi, M. Rembauville, I. Obernosterer (2020). Seasonal dynamics of prokaryotes and their associations with diatoms in the Southern Ocean as revealed by an autonomous sampler. Environ. Microbiol. Doi. 10.1111/1462-2920.15184
Ortega-Retuerta E., Q. Devresse, J. Caparros, B. Marie, O. Crispi, P. Catala, F. Joux, I. Obernosterer (2020). Dissolved organic matter released by two marine heterotrophic bacterial strains and its bioavailability for natural prokaryotic communities. Environmental Microbiology. DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.15306
Christaki U., A. Guenegues, Y. Liu, S. Blain, P. Catala, J. Colombet, P. Debeljak, L. Jardillier, S. Irion,F. Planchon, I. Sassenhagen, T. Sime-Ngando, I. Obernosterer (2020) Seasonal microbial food web dynamics in contrasting Southern Ocean productivity regimes. Limnol. Oceanogr. doi: 10.1002/lno.11591
Tisserand L, Dadaglio L, Intertaglia L, Catala P, Panagiotopoulos C, Obernosterer I, Joux F. (2020) Use of organic exudates from two polar diatoms by bacterial isolates from the Arctic ocean. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 20190356.
Koedooder C., A. Guenegues ,R. Van Geersdaële, F.-Y. Bouget, I. Obernosterer, S. Blain. (2020) The interplay between iron limitation, light, and carbon in the proteorhodopsin-containing Photobacterium angustum S14. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 96, fiaa103, doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiaa103
Fourquez M., M. Bressac, S. L. Deppeler, M. Ellwood, I. Obernosterer, T. Trull, P. Boyd (2019). Microbial Competition in the Subpolar Southern Ocean: an Fe-C co-limitation experiment. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:776 doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00776
Gonzalez M.-L., S. Blain, I. Obernosterer (2019) Seasonal freshening of NW Mediterranean surface water impacts microbial heterotrophic activity and dissolved organic matter. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciences. 230, 10644 dot: 10.1016/j.ecss.2019.106448
Debeljak P., E. Toulza, S. Beier, S. Blain, I. Obernosterer (2019) Microbial iron metabolism as revealed by gene expression profiles in contrasted Southern Ocean regimes Environ. Microbiol.21: 2360-2374. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14621
Liu Y., P. Debeljak, M. Rembauville, S. Blain, I. Obernosterer (2019) Diatoms shape the biogeography of heterotrophic prokaryotes in early springin the Southern Ocean. Environ. Microbiol. 21 : 1452-1465. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14579
Koedooder C., A. Guéneuguès, R. Van Geersdaële, V. Vergé, F.-Y. Bouget, Y. Labreuche, I. Obernosterer, S. Blain (2018) The role of the glyoxylate shunt in the acclimation to iron limitation in marine heterotrophic bacteria. Front.Mar. Sci. 5:435. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00435
Dadaglio L., J. Dinasquet, I. Obernosterer, F. Joux (2018) Differential responses of bacteria to diatom-derived dissolved organic matter in the Arctic Ocean. Aquat Microb Ecol 82:59-72
Dinasquet J., E. Ortega-Retuerta, C. Lovejoy, I. Obernosterer. Editorial: Microbiology of the rapidly changing polar environments. Front.Mar. Sci. 5: 154. Doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00154
Landa M., S. Blain, J. Harmand, S. Monchy, A. Rapaport, I. Obernosterer (2018) Major changes in the composition of a Southern Ocean bacterial community in response to diatom-derived dissolved organic matter. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 94: fiy034.
Fourquez M., S. Beier, E. Jongmans, R. Hunter, I. Obernosterer (2016) Uptake of leucine, chitin and iron by prokaryotic groups during spring phytoplankton blooms induced by natural iron fertilization off Kerguelen Island (Southern Ocean) Front. Mar. Sci. 3:256. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2016.00256
Lasbleiz M., K. Leblanc, L. Armand, U. Christaki, C. Georges, I. Obernosterer, B. Quéguiner (2016) Composition of diatom communities and their contribution to plankton biomass in the naturally iron fertilized region of Kerguelen in the Southern Ocean. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 92, fiw171
Moran M.-A., E.B. Kujawinski, A. Stubbins, R. Fatland, L.I. Aluwihare, A. Buchan, B.C. Crump, P.C. Dorrestein, S.T. Dyhrman, N.J. Hess, B. Howe, K. Longnecker, P.M. Medeiros, J. Niggemann, I. Obernosterer, D.J. Repeta, J.R. Waldbauer (2016) Deciphering ocean carbon in a changing world. PNAS 113 : 3143-3151.
Landa M., Blain S., Christaki U., Monchy S., ObernostererI. (2016) Shifts in bacterial community composition associated with increased carbon cycling in a mosaic of phytoplankton blooms ISME J. 10: 39-50
Egalement dans la rubrique
- Blain Stéphane
- Bouget François-Yves
- Conan Pascal
- Fernandez Camila
- Ghiglione Jean-Francois
- Joux Fabien
- Pujo-Pay Mireille
- Salter Ian
- Caparros Jocelyne
- Catala Philippe
- Gueneugues Audrey
- Lozano Jean-Claude
- Oriol Louise
- Sanz Frédérique
- Schatt Philippe
- Blanchet Marine
- Botebol Hugo
- Lefort Thomas
- Rembauville Mathieu
- Sanchez Denisse
- Séverin Tatiana
- Dinasquet Julie
- Levipan Hector
- Landa Marine
- Alcaman
- Valdes Valentina
- Crispi Olivier
- Dussud Claire
- Dadaglio Laetitia
- Guyon Jean-Baptiste
- Bijoux Amandine
- Lambert Stefan
- Koedooder Coco
- Liu Yan
- Devic Martine
- Meisterzheim Leïla
- Ortega Eva
- Marie Barbara
- CHENG Jingguang
- Jacquin Justine
- Rain Angel
- Vergé Valérie
- Callac Nolwenn
- Beier Sara
- Gonzales Lorena Maria
- Odobel Charlène
- Chasselin Léo
- Tisserand Lucas
- Eliot Chatton
- Sun Ying
- Rigonato Janaina
- Nawal Bouchachi
- Sophie Rabouille
- Barbe Valérie
- Rui Zhang
- Maxime Beauvais
- Dennu Louis
- Laymand Emile
- Caille Chloé
- Philip Léna
- Derippe Gabrielle
Le LOMIC en chiffres
9 Chercheurs CNRS
3 Enseignant-chercheurs
8 Tech/Ingénieurs
1 Post doctorant
3 CDD Ingénieur
12 Etudiants en thèse